Monday, March 18, 2013

A rough couple weeks.

Our house has become an infirmary.  Both Zach and Ty came down with the stomach flu about a week and a half ago.  Ty was sick for about 2 days and was back to school all last week.  This bug hit Zach hard, and he was throwing up for five days.  We took him into the Emergency Room because he could not keep any fluids down and was vomiting every time he moved last Saturday night.  They gave him an anti-nausea medication and tried to get him to drink some fluids (unsuccessfully).  He was not clinically dehydrated at that time so he was sent home and we were able to keep him away from the ER the rest of his illness.  He went back to school at the end of last week.  

This morning Ty went in for tubes.  He has had five ear infections in the past several months and it was time to do something more.  Zach has had two sets of tubes so we knew the routine well for this morning.  We arrived at the surgery center around 6:15 and he went back for surgery around 7:15.  He was back with us around 7:30 and was very mad from the anesthesia.  I just hate seeing my little guy have a surgery, but it helps knowing that he will feel so much better with the tubes.  He should be feeling like himself this afternoon.  A big thanks to Grandma Kathy who came to Des Moines to help us out this morning.  She took Zach to school while we were at the surgery center with Ty.  She is spending the day with Ty today so that Matt and I didn't need to miss any more work after the stomach flu of last week.  

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