Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What are you doing Zach?

Every morning Zach gets up and watches one show in our bed and then gets ready for school.  Yesterday his show got done while I was getting Ty dressed and he was not in our room.  I was so impressed that he had started getting ready for school without me pushing him.  Wrong!  I heard a noise and looked down the hall to see Zach sitting in his pajamas quietly.  He wouldn't have anything to do with me so Matt had to talk to him.  This is the conversation that ensued.
Matt: "Zach, what are you doing?"
Zach:  Silence
Matt: "Are you sad?"
Zach: "No."
Matt: "Are you happy"
Zach:  "No"
Matt:  "Well, what are you doing?"
Zach: "I'm wishing"
Matt: "What are you wishing for?"
Zach: "My birthday."

I'm afraid he will be wishing for a while.  It is a long time until November!

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