Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter with Kate & Blake, my parents and Clay & Tamara and families. Zach was quick to go downstairs to check out his Easter basket and look for eggs. Zach got a Batman watch, Avengers sunglasses, bubbles and a book in his basket. He was very excited to wear his watch to school today. We had an egg hunt in Kate and Blake's backyard on Sunday before lunch where the kids got spoiled with candy! Here are some pictures of the day.

Zach is getting ready for Easter wearing Ty's Easter Basket.

Zach was so excited to check out what the Easter Bunny brought.

Ty was full of smiles on Easter morning.

Check me out in my cool shades chilling in my car seat.

Found one!

Found another one!

Zach said his bag was getting heavy since he found so much candy!

This happy guy had a lot of fun crawling around playing with Brandon's toys.

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