Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy First Birthday, Ty!

I cannot believe that Tyler is one year old already one!  Given that Ty has a Cinco de Mayo birthday it was only fitting for us to have a fiesta for his party.  We had all of our family together and had a great time!

Matt and I got Ty a Cozy Coupe for his birthday.  He spent most of the day sitting in  it making car noises.  He loves it!

Zach gave Ty rides around the house in his car.  Zach would push him into walls and then say "You are a crazy driver, Ty!"

Grandpa Steve made Ty a toy box for his first birthday.  It looks great in his room and I think we will be able to fill it up!
Ty loved the tacos we had for lunch!

He liked the cake even more than the tacos!  Notice the cake sitting on his belly!

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