Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I have been very bad about posting lately.  We have been very busy the past few months and don't anticipate too much slow down until after the holidays.  We are celebrating Halloween at our house these days.  We went to the pumpkin patch last week and then carved the pumpkins over the weekend.  Here are some pictures of our time at the pumpkin patch.

Ty exploring at the pumpkin patch.

We couldn't leave the pumpkin patch until Zach had a chance to ride a pony!
We got our pumpkins!

Time to carve!  Zach decided the inside of a pumpkin felt gross and Ty lost interest very quickly so Matt got stuck cleaning out the inside of the pumpkin.  Zach did care about the pumpkin face. I will post pictures of the carved pumpkins tomorrow. 

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